Sunday 2 April 2017

Chickenpox and what not

I haven't been the mood for writing lately, but I've been drawing alot. Making art is just relaxing and fun so why not, right? Anyway tonight I thought that maybe I could try to talk about something here as well. 

As you can read from the title I have chickenpox right now. I got it from my little brother, who's four years old so he had it very easy. Well mine has been surprisingly easy too even though I have atopic dermatitis. Well I happened to get very fast some medication to help it heal faster and such. The only thing that makes me sad is the timing.

Believe it or not it started on the day when my exam week started too. Yeah, sounds "fun"doesn't it? Thankfully my teachers have been understanding, but it still bothers me. I need to do the exams later and it makes me sad because I could have done them now but no. My mom prevents me from leaving and I of course understand. Some adult could get this and have so hard time and I don't want that.

Besides drawing and chickenpox I've been playing overwatch alot as well. has been my main focus lately (actually always) but I am trying to get some touch in Tracer as well and Widowmaker. The only thing that makes me sad when playing OW is that I almost everytime play it alone and it can get pretty boring. 

Today I realised that I have had my dolls laying around for nothing for ages. I really should go out and do some photographing. Or at least publish some photos that I have taken inside since I took them for a purpose. Sometimes I just can't bring myself to do it. I feel like no one sees me, cares or wants me to create any content in internet. Somehow having a blog however isn't so bad. It kinda feels like a digital diary, so it's quite neutral to keep it up. 

Well it's 2:18 AM right now so I really don't know what else to say or bring up. So for now enjoy these doll photos.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Why do I go to school?

For real, who invented school? Who thought it will be good idea make youngsters compete each other in the scale of 'how good or bad are you in this?' Either school is a hell on earth or I am just tired, but then again both could be true. At least I am tired as hell because of school.

Few weeks ago I honestly began to think about me and school. I had always been and still am good at school but something has changed. Instead of wanting to be good at I wish I could do actually something that means something. Like I don't wanna study vectors in maths and velocity in physics since that doesn't mean shit to me. Sure those are some nice to know infos about life around you but do they really matter? Does it help world that I know how to count something with vectors? Does it mean anything?

Something inside me realised that the school I have chosen is not really the thing I wanted but since I have to study only for 3 years in total it isn't that bad. Then again when I stop to think about it, it kills me inside. Why do I bother to do this when I could be doing something that actually means something. I could work or make an impact to others. But no I am stuck in the bench of my school reading how Columbus "found" America. 

Why has our society been building like this? Why everyone needs to be educated so well? I know what good education prevents but you can reach those good things via something else as well. To prevent racism you don't need maths but understanding of cultures. Learning languages teaches you also cultures and it makes it easier for everyone to accept others. However not everyone is good at learning languages. For me that has been pretty easy and that might be one reason why I am so understanding at times. But some people just can't do it, maybe you can't do it, then what? Something else has to teach people to be accepting and that can be achieved my various routes. Public school is not the only way to teach manners to people.  

I should stop before this becomes too harsh and radical as a second post. It's just that I am getting a bit fed up from the ways this society I live in works. Something is just off about it and I don't like it. Maybe I should just let it go like Elsa, or I could be the whiny kid like Anna. Or find a balance between those two options.   

Well to bit brighter things. I have been practicing arts lately and I am soooooo happy of the results. I am not perfect or near it but I have achieved some goals I have had lately. My digital and traditional art styles are improving and I am happy about the improvement. 

 So I only have this one anatomy sketch but I am happy with it. Like it's not perfect but it has a decent flow to it. It is also a major improvement from my older anatomies when it came to semi-realism. Of course I make a lot of variants in the body types that I draw, sometimes more natural, sometimes more cartoony but this piece here is really good if you ask me.

I guess this is for today, see you later alligator!

Friday 3 March 2017


Hello peeps~

So this is not my first blog ever but first one that I am writing in English, yikes. So you probably can tell from that or maybe from my writing style, that I am not from UK, Australia nor USA. Actually I am from a very Northern land, with the Santa Claus and such. Did you guess what country it is? Finland of course!

Anyway so I decided to start this blog because I need something to do. I also have various interests but nowhere to put them and get feedback. I also wanted to get something relaxing to do and I thought, ha a blog might be a good idea. My last blogs however have been doll blogs so it has been stressing out me to keep them going on. I don't have the energy to go out and take photos anymore the way I used few years ago. Still I love taking photos and I do so at times. 

So I decided to combine everything I love into a one blog and here it is. Why I used "Kiko Kiko" at the beginning, though? Well that is a thing that goes well with me actually. I am a type of person that I create a lot of stupid sounds. Stupid and cute ones. It's just part of me and I thought that "Kiko Kiko" sounded pretty nice.

Basically this will be a lifestyle/doll/photography/art/story/and what I ever happen to do blog. I will tell about my boring as hell life through this blog and hopefully I will get friends or maybe just some dudes to give feedback on my arts or so. 

As starter I don't have much stuff to say or do here, but I could enlighten this a bit by showing some old photos I have taken about a year ago.